Online Laboratory Results
Empowering applicants with personal health data
Today, more than ever, concerns about growing healthcare costs are influencing people to lead healthier lifestyles. With this intensified motivation for better health in mind, we’re committed to providing your applicants with direct access to their current health status. Our online laboratory results tool, Inside Look®, is a secure and comprehensive resource for applicants to become more aware of their health, while giving you the opportunity to strengthen relations with your clients and provide a valuable benefit to the agent and policyholders.
At ExamOne we believe that when you provide applicants with choices, they stay engaged in the process and are more likely to stick with the important decision that they made to protect their family. Inside Look offers your applicants an additional benefit for completing the life insurance exam process; the results can empower them to maintain or improve their health by providing a complete picture of their current health status. Over the last four years, 1.4 million results have been viewed through Inside Look, demonstrating the growing interest in access to personal health information among life insurance applicants.