ExamOne laboratory updates
Publié le février 12, 2019 par ExamOne
As a leader in the life insurance industry, we are committed to ensuring our clients are using the most current and accurate laboratory testing equipment and methodologies. Quest Diagnostics, a leader in diagnostic testing, is dedicated to developing innovative, ground-breaking tests, products, and tools to provide value to clients.
Recently, Abbott Diagnostics, our reagent manufacturer, designed a new calibrator for the Abbott Architect Enzymatic A1c assay. The updated IFCC calibrator will bring us into closer alignment with the National Glycoprotein Standardization Program (NGSP) reference method. With this alignment, you can expect to see a small increase in average HbA1c values and an increase in the screen positive rate for diabetes.
Further, we are now offering an enzymatic creatinine reflex. Our laboratory currently uses the Jaffe method for measuring serum creatinine. This reliable method has been used in laboratories for decades, but can be susceptible to interference from the by-products of glycolysis which occurs when centrifugation is delayed. The enzymatic creatinine assay is not affected by these by-products and will offer a more dependable result when the serum creatinine is elevated and glycolysis is suspected.
When the reflex is employed, the enzymatic creatinine result automatically replaces the original elevated Jaffe creatinine result and a comment is generated on the report explaining that the creatinine has been confirmed by the enzymatic creatinine method.
We appreciate your continued partnership and are committed to providing you with reliable and up-to-date testing for your applicants. If you have further questions, please contact your Strategic Account Executive or Betsy Sears at Betsy.R.Sears@ExamOne.com.